NFT Breeding System

NFT Breeding System for the Next Generation

The NFT breeding system within our game offers a strategic mechanism that combines the rarity of the parents, training points, and championship achievements, allowing players to create unique and enhanced horses for the next generation.

Steps for Effective Breeding:

  1. Breeding License Generation:

    To begin the breeding process, the player must own a breeding NFT, which should be applied to a horse (father) to generate a breeding license. Once obtained, the license can be applied to a mare (mother), along with the corresponding breeding fee. The breeding cost depends on the rarity of the parents and may vary over time according to the game's momentum.

    Initial Breeding Costs (fees):

    • Common: 0.1 BHR

    • Uncommon: 0.2 BHR

    • Rare: 0.3 BHR

    • Spectral: 0.5 BHR

    • Epic: 0.7 BHR

    • Mythic: 0.8 BHR

    • Legendary: 1 BHR

    Example: If both parents are Legendary, the total breeding cost will be 2 BHR.

  2. Score Calculation for the New Generation:

    The abilities of the next-generation horses are determined based on the parents' scores in key areas such as agility, endurance, and speed. The calculation is done as follows:

    • Minimum Score: The lowest score in each ability from both parents will be taken as the minimum value of the range.

    • Maximum Score: The highest score in each ability from both parents will be taken as the maximum value of the range.

    The offspring's abilities will be randomly assigned within these ranges.

    Example: If the father has 150 points in agility and the mother has 100 points, the range for that ability in the offspring will be 100 to 150 points.

  3. Enhancing Scores in Breeding:

    Players can influence the ability scores of next-generation horses through the following means:

    a) Training Points:

    The training points accumulated by the parents play a significant role in the breeding process. For every 8 training points accumulated, the player initiating the breeding process will receive 0.5 additional points, which can be distributed among the new horse's abilities.

    These points allow players to:

    • Narrow the range: Increase the minimum value of the random range (e.g., from 100-150 to 105-150).

    • Expand the range: Increase the maximum value of the random range (e.g., from 100-150 to 100-155).

    b) Championship Points:

    Horses that win championships will grant additional points for the breeding process. These points can be used similarly to training points to influence the ability ranges of the new horse, giving players a competitive advantage.

Breeding Process Summary:

  • The player acquires a breeding NFT and applies it to a father horse to generate a breeding license.

  • The license, along with the corresponding fee, is applied to a mare to start the process.

  • The system generates a range of scores for each ability of the new horse, based on the lowest and highest scores of the parents.

  • Training points and championship points allow players to adjust the score ranges, increasing the chances of obtaining a horse with better abilities.

This system provides a dynamic experience, encouraging players to participate in training and championships to maximize the potential of their offspring, while promoting a competitive environment within the game's ecosystem.

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