Registration and account creation

In this section, you will learn everything about how to register on Hive and create an account to enjoy our thrilling blockchain-based horse racing game.

To interact with BlockHorseRacing, you will need to set up an account on Hive. Once this is complete, you will have access to the BHR ecosystem.

To set up a Hive account and receive your private keys, please use one of the Hive registration platforms below (don't lose your keys or share them with anyone!):




In Hive, usernames are used as your deposit address - isn't that great?

Once you obtain your private keys, you will need to install the Hive Keychain browser extension (similar to Metamask), which is the easiest way to interact with applications on Hive, including BlockHorseRacing. Keychain allows you to easily protect and use your private keys without exposing them.


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