Tournament Registrations

Standard BHR Tournament: 512 Participants

Tournaments are an essential part of Block Horse Racing, where a predetermined number of horses compete to win the tournament and claim the grand prize. The goal is for the entire equine population to participate in a single common event, resulting in one ultimate winner who will achieve glory.

About Registrations: The registration fee will be variable, based on a standard price "x", which will serve as a reference for the registration cost of all horses. For example, if we take a base cost of 100 BHRT:

This base cost applies to the registration of a Common NFT horse in good health. For other rarities, this cost will be multiplied according to the horse's rarity, with an additional multiplier based on its health. Horses with health above 50% will only apply the rarity multiplier:

  • Uncommon: x2

  • Rare: x3

  • Spectral: x5

  • Epic: x8

  • Mythic: x10

  • Legendary: x12.5

Additional Health Multiplier: In addition to the rarity multiplier, horses with lower health will have an extra multiplier as a penalty:

  • Health between 20% and 50%: x2

  • Health between 0% and 20%: x3

  • Health below 0%: x4

About Registration Time: The registration period will also be variable and divided into three simple stages:

  1. First Stage: The owner has the opportunity to cover the registration fee, officially entering their horse into the tournament.

  2. Second Stage: The horse is open for public sponsorship, allowing any other account to pay the registration fee and gain the benefits the horse produces during the tournament, along with additional rewards.

  3. Final Stage: If the horse is not registered in the previous stages, the game system will assume the registration, completing the entry of all horses involved.

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